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Documents uploaded to the server will not appear in Bandhelper on the desktop

Started by Dsteven73, November 25, 2015, 07:24:01 AM

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I am moving from Setlist Maker to Bandhelper. I like the fact that I can manage the application from a computer desktop and that there is a back-up in case of disaster....

I have not been able to successfully upload my documents to the server using "batch import". When I uploaded a few documents using the "add a document" approach, the server shows that the file is uploaded (shows a file size), but it won't display on the screen when I put the cursor over the file icon.

Then I tried moving my documents to the iPad using the iTunes interface with success.  I can see the documents on my iPad when I view the song with "Smart Lists". I cannot view the documents in "Song mode".  Also the changes made on the iPad will not update to the server. I was hoping that using IOS approach I could solve the issue, but to no avail...Help!!!   


I have not been able to successfully upload my documents to the server using "batch import". When I uploaded a few documents using the "add a document" approach, the server shows that the file is uploaded (shows a file size), but it won't display on the screen when I put the cursor over the file icon.

How about when you click the document icon? You have to click it to see the document. Also, the web interface can only display PDF documents.

Then I tried moving my documents to the iPad using the iTunes interface with success.  I can see the documents on my iPad when I view the song with "Smart Lists". I cannot view the documents in "Song mode".

Instead of saying "I cannot ___," please say what buttons you pressed and what happened or didn't happen when you did that.

Also the changes made on the iPad will not update to the server.

The best way to troubleshoot that is to send a message from Help > Request Tech Support on that iPad and include a specific example of what data didn't update.


So you are saying that in order to view documents on the desktop app, I have to convert all my documents to PDFs? The other problems still exist. I will review my procedure and send you a Tech Support request...


Technically there is no "desktop app," but if you mean the web interface, then yes -- if your documents are not already PDFs, you would need to convert them to PDFs to view them there.

The web interface is more geared toward entering and editing data and has limited capabilities to view or interact with your documents.

But the Android app, also, can only view PDF files. iOS is the only one of the three platforms that has built-in capabilities for viewing a variety of file formats.