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Metronome bleed

Started by Krystofur, January 04, 2016, 05:25:53 PM

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So...I was waiting for the update before addressing this.

It seems that if you have songs in your set that use the metronome panned to one side meant for your reference only...the first click of the metronome in the set, from any song, causes the metronome to not only bleed, but to be played at full volume out of the other channel for the first click. Subsequent songs do not bleed but if you back out of the show and return to it, the next metronome you click allows the click to bleed full through the other channel.

I'm using an iPad Air through an Alesis io dock. Click panned left. Left channel goes only to my IEM set up (nothing to house) but my right channel goes to the house and my IEM set up because I run recordings/tracks during our show with track on right click in left. "Recorded" clicks do not bleed over into right. ONLY the internal metronome from SLM and only on the first time you hit the metronome in any song in the show for the one FIRST click. Subsequent songs do not do this.

Any thoughts?


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Okay, I wouldn't really describe this as a bleed, but rather that the first click doesn't use the pan setting. Right?

That seems like a weird attribute of the iOS audio framework I'm using, but I experimented a while and found a workaround that fixes the problem. That will be included in the next app update in about 10 days.


yes. exactly. it would be better described as the click not respecting the pan on the first
best you stated.

what I thought was weird that it was only the first beat in a show. the following clicks did not ignore the pan. but...yes...seems you found it too.

as always. thank you for this amazing app and your relentless support!


You're welcome! The weird behavior you're seeing is because the audio player loads once per show, then unloads when you leave the show, so it's the first beat for a given instance of the audio player.


Hence, the one time occurrence. As always, I know it will get addressed. Thanks!