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FEATURE REQUEST: More ways to add songs to a Setlist

Started by Erawal, August 10, 2017, 05:24:09 PM

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Hi, Arlo --

I would like to renew my request for the ability to add songs to a set list in the following ways:

1. From within the Song page itself, I'd like there to be an option:  ADD TO SETLIST (and then a pulldown allowing you to choose the set list to add it to).   

2.  From the "edit songs" part of the Set List, I'd like there to be an option to add songs by browsing SMART LISTS and TAGS.  (Currently, there is a pull-down feature allowing users to add songs from OTHER set lists, but I would like is the ability to choose from smart lists or tags as well).

Let me explain why these features would be helpful.  For #1:  In deciding which songs to add to a setlist for a song session, what I do is browse through my songs, looking at the lyrics to remind me of what the song is and whether it fits into the mood of the session.  Once I find a song I want to add to my setlist, I want a way to easily and quickly add it and then continue browsing through my songs and lyrics without having to exit to the Setlist, add the song, and then go back to browsing. 

For #2:  I have SMART LISTS that collect all my songs with Choruses, and all my songs that are appropriate for an Irish pub session, etc.  When I am in the Set List song-add section, it would be handy for me to be able to focus my review on songs that meet those criteria (e.g., if I'm going to an Irish session, I'd like to choose from among the songs on that Smart List).   

I would REALLY appreciate your adding these features in your next release.  Thanks so much!!



1. From within the Song page itself, I'd like there to be an option:  ADD TO SETLIST (and then a pulldown allowing you to choose the set list to add it to).   

That's on my wish list and I'll add a vote for you.

2.  From the "edit songs" part of the Set List, I'd like there to be an option to add songs by browsing SMART LISTS and TAGS.  (Currently, there is a pull-down feature allowing users to add songs from OTHER set lists, but I would like is the ability to choose from smart lists or tags as well).

You can currently sort the Add Songs window by tag, to select songs with particular tags. Selecting songs from a smart list is also on my wish list and I'll add a vote for you.