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Attached SMF and Precedence - SOLVED

Started by MikeyJ, August 29, 2018, 03:51:19 PM

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Hey Arlo!

Can you tell me what happens when an SMF is attached to a recording and one is slightly longer or shorter than the other?

Example in my case recording is an MP3 click track and an SMF containing data to trigger presets and lights.
Recording = 4:20 and SMF = 4:30. At 4:20 will the SMF continue to play until 4:30 even though the recording has stopped?
What happens if the reverse is true?



It's determined by the length of the recording ... so if the SMF is shorter, the recording will play to the end, but if the recording is shorter, then SMF will stop when the recording stops. If you want the SMF to keep playing past the recording duration, you'll need to pad your recording with some silence at the end.


Thanks! This could have been detrimental if I would have made assumptions.