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New layout button please

Started by JerryK, February 13, 2018, 04:29:35 AM

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Is it possible to have a normal layout button to switch on/off bracketed chords please?
Our vocalist plays guitar on about 20% of the gig but prefers chords off when not needed.
Either that or store the choice per user, per song?
Or is there a way to store it already? I think not.
Thanks for listening


Are you currently toggling it with the document tools button in the layout?



Okay, right now that setting is saved per-user but for all songs. I think it would need to be per-user AND per-song (not just per-song) to be more useful. I'll put that on my wish list and let you know if I can work that in.

(I'm leaning toward saving the setting differently rather than adding a larger button to toggle it, since you'd want to have it display the same way each time for a given user.)


That would be our ideal solution. Thanks Arlo.

Any further thoughts on the per-user,per song capo setting?  Maybe this a related topic.
