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Playing Attached Videos

Started by Ruckman65, February 22, 2018, 03:10:48 AM

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I have run into an issue with triggering videos as documents. When I select a song, the video does not start. If I select the song a second time, the video starts. I can't find any setting that will allow the video to start on the first command.


I changed the Layout so that the Document opens full screen when selected. This does open the document page but no video starts. If I close the document window then re-select the song from the setlist, the document window re-opens and the video starts.


Is Repertoire > Layouts > [layout name] > Edit Details > Actions > Video Start/Stop set to Song Selection?


Repertoire > Layouts > [layout name] > Edit Details > Actions > Video Start/Stop is set to Song Selection as is Full Screen Document Open and Full Screen Document Closed. I have tried it with both latter options turned off but it makes no difference.


Please submit a help ticket so I can see your device and layout details:


Thank you, Arlo. On the way now.


Okay, this work for me on iOS 11, but you're using iOS 9 and I do see the problem there. I just submitted an app update yesterday, but I'll work on this for the next update after that.



Hello Arlo.

Unfortunately, this issue is still happening. Click song on master iPad. Master iPad sends message to slave iPad. Master iPad opens document window. Slave iPad Actions: Start/Stop Automation and Start/Stop Video are set to 'Song Selection'. The automation includes playing the recording and sending midi commands. These both work flawlessly. The video does not start.

If I double click the open document on the iPad master's screen getting back to the setlist then select the song again, the slave iPad plays the recording, sends the midi commands AND plays the video!

I have tried using the slave iPad on its own but it still requires the same sequence - start the song twice before the video starts. I have submitted a help ticket (20141) and sent troubleshooting info from both iPads.