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User Information - usable data fields & Viewability

Started by LesStrangers, February 27, 2018, 07:17:32 PM

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I am perplexed that there isn't a bit more info available in 'User' module. Plenty of info in Contact section, but Users, who are the actual players, not much info at all. My subscription is for 12-20 Users, playing a variety of instruments with different roles in the band. Larger bands carry more complexity and it's tougher to sort things out.

Specifically what I need is the INSTRUMENT a particular player plays, their STATUS and any other ROLE they play within the band.  We usually only play with 6 players, but we have lots of subs, and sometimes we play with eight players.

I would think you'd really want to allow larger bands to have alto sax, vs. tenor sax, etc., etc. Here's an example:

NAME:               John Doe
STATUS:            Core Player            (vs Sub vs Guest, etc).
ROLE:                Founder    (or manager, or voting principals, etc.)

I want to at least see the instrument in the list view. AND I need to be able to sort players in the list view so that my core players show up at the top, with subs, etc., at the bottom. Personally, I'd also list the band principals first (the voting founders), the core players of the band next, and subs and guests on down, etc.

AND when I see my 12-20 names show up in my Event page with their little checkboxes, I want to see them in that same order. I don't want to have to fish through the checkboxes of players that are 2nd or 3rd positions, or guests each time.

Am I making sense, or missing something? Thanks!


Good suggestions. This is on my to do list and I'll let you know when I can add it.


I Think thats a good idea. Some more fields for the users would be great.


The user edit page now has Role and Sort Order fields:

The role should appear, and the sort order should be used, whenever a user picker appears in BandHelper.

On a related note, the Name field in the Display Info section is now required, and will appear throughout BandHelper instead of the username. This means the username will only be used for logging in.


Thank you for this, Arlo. Thank you so much for the ROLE, and ability to SORT. (Tip: I used numbers when listing a sort number. 2,4,6, etc., to allow for at least one easy addition of a player in the list without a complete number redo).
What you did with SORT helps when viewing who is playing what for new EVENT entries, particularly for those bands with many players and subs. It's a big deal and avoids lots of confusion for larger bands.

However, I do wish the sort would also effect the viewing of users on the actual USER page and also* the FINANCIAL report page. To constantly see a sub listed at the top of this page is visually confusing. We used a sub once last year and he is forever emblazoned at the top of the FINANCE pages.

I tend to sort the players according to their roles in the band, lead vocal, lead guitar, bass, etc., with subs down at the bottom, and it would be useful to have that list view consistent throughout any page in the application.


*When first writing this, my USER page also didn't reflect the sort. Subsequent to writing it, I hit 'RESET' filter on the USER page and the sort immediately reflected the new order. Sweet, thanks. Wish that worked on the financial viewing as well.


You're talking about the Finance > Totals page, right? I'll check that out.


The sorting on the Finance > Totals page (and some fields within the transaction edit page) should be fixed in the version released yesterday:


How would it be if users marked Inactive were sent to a second (but still sorted) section of the list?


You could get that effect by giving the inactive users a sort order of 0. Then they'll appear at the bottom of the list, after the users who have a sort order.


Arlo, This is really EXTREMELY helpful. Thank you so very much. You are probably only the most responsive developer of ALL time.
