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Add graphic to the Layout on top of the document

Started by dr_rollo, February 29, 2020, 01:22:24 PM

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Hi, I've just got the idea to add a graphic to the Layout on top or maybe below the document. In this graphic I define the different zones, Splits and Layer of my individuell song specific Keyboard setting. Example:
When I'd add the graphik to the document, it will disappear while scrolling. So it would be cool to add the graphic seperately. When the notice Field could be loaded with a pic, That could be placed in the layout at any Position as I understood. But Right now I can only add Text to the notice field.


I can put this on my wish list. Meanwhile, can you present this information using plain text, maybe something like the plain-text chord diagrams shown here?,1215.msg4333.html#msg4333


Hi Arlo,
I've tried the option with plain text in the notice box, but I didn't get a suitable format. In Settings there is an option to set Lyrics Font to monospace, which could help. But this does not work for the notes field, just for the songtext.
Another option would be to add the key numbers to the notes field, e.g. A0 to B1: Bass-Synth, C2 to G5: E-Piano, A5 to B6: Organ a.s.o.
But to be honest, I prefer the picture :)
So for now I copy my keyboard layout to the document or maybe add it as additional document.

However, thanks to put to the wishlist !!


Are you using the Chords field for anything else? If you want to try the text format again, the Chords field always uses a monospace font.


Usually I don't need the Chords field. But I see no option to add the chords field to the layout on top or below the Document field.


If you enter text into the Chords field, it will appear above the Lyrics field as part of the document viewer.


In the new version of BandHelper released today, you can embed JPG images into the Lyrics field. This is shown in step 12 on this page: