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Looking for suggestions on tablet to use with BH

Started by SJCMUSICIANS, July 20, 2020, 11:58:34 AM

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Looking for suggestions for tablet to use with BandHelper. Don't want to spend $200 to $600 or more on a tablet and find out it was a poor choice. Suggestions on brand, screen size, Android versus iOS will be appreciated. NOTE: I am not a big fan of Apple products but will get one if that's best. Thanks in advance.


Here's my take on iOS vs. Android:,1896.0.html

For iOS, the $329 base model is still a great value. For Android, I've had good experiences with Google's devices, but I don't think they make Android tablets anymore. I do think sticking with a recognizable brand name and avoiding the cheapest models are good ideas.


Thank for the response. So, if I go with the iPad how much memory will be sufficient? I plan to have a document with every song but since I'm new to BH I don't know how compactly BH stores these. I understand it's a cloud based database but is the entire database downloaded to the tablet or just the songs in a selected project and set list? Or does BH expect the tablet to be always connected via wi-fi and will download additional song info on demand? (Excuse me if I don't remember reading the answer to that.) I'm leaning toward the iPad Air but wondering if it needs 64 GB or 128 GB. Thanks in advance for your response.


In my experience, the BH database is pretty compact. If you have a lot of audio or PDF attachments, those will take up the majority of space. In my case I have something in the neighborhood of 300 songs with a total of 700ish attachments. The total space taken up is 830 MB.

The attachments are copied to the device as separate files, in their original format, without compression. And the entire database is downloaded to the device.

If all you will be using the tablet for is BandHelper, I'd say you would be good with the 64MB model.


I agree with iguana. Further info: your BandHelper data typically takes about 1 MB. Attached PDF documents typically take about .04 MB each. But attached recordings can take up to 10 MB each depending on how much compression they use. You can calculate your needs from there.