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Marker Sequencing

Started by Turnaround, July 07, 2021, 01:01:19 PM

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Many songs have a structure that is one or more verses followed by a chorus, some more verses then a chorus, a bridge then maybe another verse and chorus.  Typically all the choruses are the same.  If I wrote out one chorus and created a marker for it called "Chorus" , and had markers for the verses as "Verse 1", "Verse 2" etc.  "Bridge", then it might be possible to create a sequence instruction that says "play these markers in this sequence" .   Say there was a label at the top of the song that said {Verse 1, Verse 2, Chorus, Verse 3, Bridge, Chorus}, triggering the next marker by foot switch or lower screen tap (etc.) would follow that marker sequence.  Then I would need to enter the Chorus lyrics only once.  And if I decided later that I wanted another Bridge and Chorus, all I would need to do is to add that to the marker sequence.
I thought I had submitted this idea earlier, but I don't see it in the forum, so please excuse if I double posted.


You requested this via email a few years ago, and it's still on my wish list.

For the benefit of others reading this, you can make an automation track that jumps between different sections in whatever order you program. But Turnaround is looking for a faster way to program that sequence.

Of course you can also just copy and paste the chorus or any other repeated sections.


Thanks Arlo.  I couldn't remember if I suggested this or not.  I've been pondering it for some time.


+1 on adding this to the wish list. I am a drummer who maps out my songs at the top of a document, but then uses the bottom of the document for special patterns that need played (I use if you'd like to see an example). I'd love to be able to use my footswitch to jump down to the pattern for reference, then back up the document for the rest of the song.

Thanks, Arlo, for an amazing app. It has made me a more hirable musician and a better band mate.


Just jumping between two sections is easier than what the original poster is asking for here. You could add a marker to your "special patterns" section, then use a single Next Page command from the screen hotspot or a foot switch to jump to it, then a use a single Previous Page command to jump back to the top.


Quote from: arlo on July 07, 2021, 02:59:09 PMYou requested this via email a few years ago, and it's still on my wish list.

For the benefit of others reading this, you can make an automation track that jumps between different sections in whatever order you program. But Turnaround is looking for a faster way to program that sequence.

Of course you can also just copy and paste the chorus or any other repeated sections.

I have converted quite a few people to use BH instead of OnSong, but there are a significant number who use the "Flow" feature of OnSong who are not willing to make the change because of that feature.  It strikes me that there must be more than one BH user that would appreciate the "Flow" functionality in BH.  It's so handy when you want to rearrange verse/chorus/bridge sections in a song without a bunch of cut-and-paste or editing an automation track.

But to really do what I would like would require the way markers are added to documents.  One of the problems I encounter in performance is when a score has repeat sections.  When I encounter :|| I have to quickly scan back in the document to find the matching ||:, and if it's in a multi-page score it's not easy to find.  But if I had a marker for "First repeat" and had included that in the kind of "flow" control OnSong has, I can just put that in the flow control section of the document.  I could be on page three of a score and run into :|| , I then could just hit my foot pedal which would go to the next marker in the "flow" control.  So then my "Flow control" would look like Section 1, Section 2, Repeat 1, Section 3, Repeat 1, Coda.  Hitting a foot controller button would bring the appropriate section in my score to the top of the screen.

Another part of the problem now is that I cannot position markers in the score where I want them.  If I add a marker it will be placed at the top of the screen wherever the doc is scrolled to.  If I want to place a marker half way down the page I cannot do it unless I am able to scroll that line to the top of the screen. To place a marker there I have to edit the score and break out each section to start on a new page, then place a marker at the top of the page.

I'm hoping to find enough BH users that would benefit from this to encourage development of this feature sooner than later. 


"If I want to place a marker half way down the page I cannot do it unless I am able to scroll that line to the top of the screen."

Are you talking about a situation where you want to put a marker halfway down the last page of the document and you can't scroll the document to that position because it can't scroll further than the last page?