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Searching Songs

Started by dotonemanband, February 20, 2022, 08:23:58 AM

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When the band is following a setlist in bandhelper, the songs list on the left. We can scroll and pick a song and we're ready to go. That's fine when in that particular setlist. The challenge we're having is if we get a request (like at last nights gig) to do a song and the four of us are scrambling to find where that song is in another setlist. It would be convenient if there was a search icon on the left (perhaps above the sharp and flat icons where we could press and a search a song from the overall list and quickly go to it. I don't mean to add to the list, just bring it up to view lyrics because we don't want to change the setlist, just find a song temporally . How to set that up please? TIA


Probably a few different ways to do what you desire - 

We keep an "All Active" smart set list of active songs, and have it identified as a favorite and for dropdown. That way, in any setlist view of my current show, I can go to the top drop down (set list name), choose "All Active", find the song by alphabetical, play the song, then pull back down my show set list and move on.  Works fine for us.


That's a good idea ... thanks Zionplayer


You can use the Quick Add button in the top toolbar (eighth note icon with a plus sign). If it's not already in your layout, you can go to Repertoire > Layouts > [layout name] > Edit Details > Top Toolbar Buttons and turn on Quick Add. This is meant exactly for the situation of taking requests.

The selected song will be added to your set list temporarily unless you turn on Settings > General Settings > Save Quick Added Songs.


How can I enlarge and move the quick add button to be in the left column under the play icon or above the sharp and flat icons. The quick add button is very small and not easy to press where it's now located.
Thanks Arlo


You can't customize the size or position of that button. It's typically not a function you would use often. If you're in a situation where you're calling most of your songs on the fly, a smart list is probably a better option.


For us the quick add button would be useful as we seem to get requests regularly and have to pause for band members to find the song requested from another setlist and then we're guessing which setlist a particular song is in. We have 4 setlists. The quick add icon would be a faster solution rather than going back to a major setlist, although I see that option of the major setlist not of too much of an inconvenience and we'll work with that option. Maybe in a future update being able to resize and reposition the quick add button? Anyway, thanks Arlo for your reply.


One option that you can consider is that you can have one lead device and have the other devices follow its song selections with Live Sharing:

Then only one person has to pull up the request with the Quick Add button, and it will be selected on the other devices automatically. This is useful when you vary from the set list for any reason because you don't have to call the change audibly and make sure everyone heard you.