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Sharing Songs

Started by pbob42, February 06, 2024, 04:49:04 PM

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Looking to buy a second ipad and Song List Maker for a send team member.  If I make up a show (worship set for sunday) with a new song, can I send the show and the new song to my band member so he can practice it?  Can he import the show or does he have to re-create it?  Can he import the song?  If I have him follow actions during the show, does he have to have all the same songs and layouts installed (a mirrored database)?  If I have him follow screen, does he have to have Song List Maker on his ipad?


"If I make up a show (worship set for sunday) with a new song, can I send the show and the new song to my band member so he can practice it?"

Yes, instructions are here:

"If I have him follow actions during the show, does he have to have all the same songs and layouts installed (a mirrored database)?"

Yes he needs the same songs from the same database, no he doesn't need the same layouts. More info is here:

"If I have him follow screen, does he have to have Song List Maker on his ipad?"

Yes, if you're using the screen sharing function built into Set List Maker.


So I can't just send one song?  If I import the who database then he loses all his notes and layout work he has done, right?

If I go with Bandhelper, then the data is all cloud based, or cloud synced?  The bass player would automatically have access to the new "show" and the new song.

If I lose wi-fi on bandhelper am I dead in the water?


just imported into bandhelper - thumbs up on that - better printer capability as well.


"So I can't just send one song?"

No, there are many links between objects in the database so you need to share the whole database.

"If I import the who database then he loses all his notes and layout work he has done, right?"

Notes yes, layouts no -- layouts are not overwritten by a database import.

"If I go with Bandhelper, then the data is all cloud based, or cloud synced?  The bass player would automatically have access to the new "show" and the new song."

Yes, and BandHelper allows personal fields and custom fields so you can maintain personal info even though the overall song is shared.

"If I lose wi-fi on bandhelper am I dead in the water?"

No, all the data downloads to your mobile devices when you sync so you can access everything while offline. If you edit anything while offline, the changes will be saved and then synced when you are online again.
