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Mac app layout: Text size for notes field

Started by joebear, May 13, 2024, 10:14:13 PM

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I am migrating over from iPad to Mac for my show control. So far so good. However...

On iPad, one can pinck to change the text size in the various layout fields - lyrics, notes, chords, etc. How does one scale the text on a mac?


You can click the triangle button to open the document toolbar, then click the Increase Text Size and Decrease Text Size buttons. Then click the Save Text Size button as you would on a touch-screen device.


Yup. That worked. Thanks.

Unfortunately, it seems that text size is an attribute of the song, not the layout? Doing that shrunk the notes on my iPad to near-illegibility. I guess I'll need to prioritize one over the other. Unless you come up with a clever fix in an upcoming version...


Yes, the lyrics, chords and notes text sizes are saved per song. If one of these devices is your main device, you could set your desired sizes on that, then set Settings > Appearance > Lyrics Size Override on the other device to scale all the lyrics and notes by the same percentage. You cannot change and save the text size from a device that is using that setting.

Another option is to use a custom field instead of the Notes field. Custom field text sizes are set at the layout level.