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App control with Ampero Control footswitch by Hotone

Started by jeff9661, April 20, 2024, 04:13:19 PM

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I have an Ampero Footswitch connected to BandHelper via USB and have reviewed the information on this page several times.

For now, all I want to do is:

1) Trigger the next song and previous song actions
2) Trigger the automation button on my layout, which starts the backing track recording and scrolls the layout as the song progresses.

I have set up Ampero Control to send on channel 15 and I successfully receive the message in BandHelper in the MIDI Status.

My problem is I'm not sure whether to use Foot Switch Messages or one of the MIDI Messages (System, Controller or Note). I have tried several options and cannot get it to work.

Using the Foot Switch Message I went to the action "Next Song", selected Footswitch and then the number 1 and then saved.

Ampero Control

The Ampero Control is set-up via their app on my iPhone (see attached screen grab).

CH: 15
Type: Note ON
Data1: 1
Data2" 0

When I go to a set list and view the MIDI status and trigger the foot switch I get the following in the activity log and the Keyboard Enabled activity log and it does not work as expected, nothing happens:

18:51:22:167 - received data [9E,01,00] from EC-4

I also then set MIDI Note messages to Note 1 while keeping the Footswitch setting above and that did not work either.

I feel I'm close but just not sure on what type of message to send, CC, Note On or Note OFF and the specific values for those settings. Trial by error is no fun :(

I have not tried to trigger the automation button yet and need to get that info correct as well.

Thanks, in advance for any help or advice on this.





"My problem is I'm not sure whether to use Foot Switch Messages or one of the MIDI Messages (System, Controller or Note)"

Your foot switch is sending MIDI Note messages, so that's what you should select on Settings > App Control.

From what you reported seeing in the App Control activity log, BandHelper is receiving the Note message but it isn't mapped to any actions. Can you post a screen shot of the App Control window, which lists the actions and triggers you currently have set up?


MIDI messages are being received but they are not getting associated with a BandHelp action. Why not?


Presumably because the corresponding settings aren't set. I can confirm that if you send a screen shot of the Remote Control Status window.