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Live Sharing question

Started by RNRDAWG, July 17, 2024, 06:19:27 PM

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I have a main iPad 10 that works great until I try to Live Share to other iPads or Fire Tablets. The problem is even though to app shares the songs properly the main iPad only shows the setlist. As I click on a song in the list the outbound screens change correctly but the main screen only shows the list. when I'm not sharing screens the main iPad works correctly. I am running the latest IOS and App.


Are you using the Full-Screen Lyrics layout and do you have Settings > General > External Display > Content set to Document? I see the problem with that combination. I'll look further into that; meanwhile, you could change Settings > General > External Display > Content to Mirror to avoid the problem.



Actually you were seeing the intended behavior with your previous settings: if you have the document layered on top of your layout while an external display is connected and Settings > General > External Display > Content is set to Document, the document will only show on the external display. If you want a full-screen document on both displays, you would need to set Settings > General > External Display > Content to Mirror, which is the default setting.