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Started by WITELITE, August 02, 2024, 04:51:49 AM

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Anyone having trouble with the notifications going out to band members. I tried the app, mobile and web and none are going out.

Does there need to be an event for this to happen or can an updated setlist be sent to band members?



I'm not aware of any issues. You can go go the Admin > Notifications page of the website to see what notifications have been sent, and submit a help ticket if a notification was not received.

You can send a notification for an updated set list by clicking the "Send Update" option on the set list's Edit Details page.


The night before when I just created a setlist and wanted to send an update to the band it didn't work. Once I tied it to an event, it worked.

Is that a requirement to send notifications?


Set list notifications will be sent to the first of...

- The users selected on the set list details page, if that is changed from the default of all users
- The users selected on the event details page, if the set list is linked to an event
- All active users