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Feature Request: Chat features for devices connected during live sharing

Started by Insider0203, August 25, 2024, 08:07:47 PM

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As a way to help communicate information quickly to musicians on stage, what if Bandhelper had asimple chat features that would work between devices connected during live sharing.

The device that is broadcasting actions would also have the ability to broadcast simple messages that would appear in app and not through the OS's notification system. The lead device can type whatever message they want (probably best to limit to short messages like 150 characters or less) but there can also be be a list of pre-typed messages like "5 minutes left", "skip next song", "go to last song", "End after this song", etc. There can also be smart messages like "message current song" or "message next song" or "message quick added song", where Bandhelper would pull the relevant information and insert it into a message. These messages would flash on screen and would disappear after about 5 seconds or so. There could be a button that all users could press to view all messages sent in the chat. Additionally, the user could choose to have these messages dictated through an automated voice so that they could hear the messages in their in-ears if they have their device setup to route audio that way.

This would go nicely with another feature request I have; "queue next song". If the lead devices queues a new song, it could also broadcast a message as well that says "Song ________ added to queue" or something to that effect.w


I suggested earlier that we created a thread dedicated to support the ones like us that uses BH in live situations where a rock steady set list doesn't work ;-)

I feel that you and I are on the same page here, as we need to communicate changes in the set.
For my band we often don't even have a setlist and all songs comes in on the fly - some by audiens shouting or reacting to the current song, which could start a series of songs alike (maybe from the same artist or same kategory) - maby start a not predefined medley  ;)

Also the features for searching and selecting the next (and next+1, next+2) songs should be extremely easy and fast as it would most likely be handled during the perfomance of the current number (not easy for a guitarist or keyboard player with only two arms  ;D )


For my band, we often have very long sets that contain pretty much all of our active songs. We follow the set for the most part but it becomes necessary at certain events like weddings to jump to different spots in the set. So communicating any changes to the set quickly and efficiently is important to both of us it seems.

I still think a song queue would be very useful for lots of people. It would basically allow everyone to build a setlist in real time and allow for automations to flow seamlessly between songs in the set, even when the next song changes.

So song queue is still #1 on my list. These chat features would be a nice bonus


Sending prewritten messages within the app while performing, and queuing upcoming songs, are both on my wish list and I'll add vote for you.


Please add my vote for the Queuing feature too  ;D

In the meantime (if the queuing feature is not near by - and this new suggetion is faster/easier to add):
When adding a new song in Setlist View it would be nice if the current song keep focus and doesn't shift to the new song right away!

Another neat feature here would be when adding the new song when selecting the song then hold the press on the song title would show a dropdown to select where to add the new song relative to the current song.
Say we are playing "Summer of 69", I press the Add new song Button that brings up the list of songs. Instead of just selecting a song I press and hold on the title of the song and from the dropdown list I select 'Add to second after current song' (or 'add to current +2).
This would hold the foduc ont he current song (Summer of 69), and the new song would ve inserted in the Setlist as number 2 after 'Summer of 69'.

This would be nice as our layout in the buttom line is showing title+1 and title+2, and this way everyone would alway know the next 2 song even when they are changed ;-)