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Problems with the new Annotation/Document Toolbar in iOS version 1-24-25

Started by Insider0203, January 28, 2025, 10:12:25 AM

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I've been testing out the new feature in the latest software where you can create a new blank document.

As someone who handwrites notes in a separate app and then later imports them to Bandhelper, I think this a great feature. However, I've noticed a few quirks. I'm not sure if they're bugs or just things that aren't fully implemented. Nonetheless, I just wanted to point them out.

1. When making a new document, the entire area of the document viewer turns white to show a blank page. However, I noticed that I couldn't annotate a large portion of the top of the page. There was an invisible border that defined the editable area of the document. I suspect this has something to do with the default document size (A4 or Letter) and only the proportions that fit into either A4 or letter are editable. This editable window should be more clearly marked for the user.

2. I have a layout that has the song list as full screen with the document button in the song list. Clicking the document button shows the document viewer also full screen over the song list. Closing the document goes back to the song list. If a song doesn't have a document, the document button doesn't appear but double tapping the song opens up the document viewer anyway. From there I can create a new document with the annotation button. However, when I make a new document and save it, the document button doesn't now appear on the song list, even though the song now has an attached document. If I exit the set list and re-open it, the document button is there.

3. When a new document is made and saved, the file shows up in the song details as a 0kb attachment. On the website, the file can't be viewed as a pdf or anything. It's unclear as to where exactly this file exists.

4. For songs with existing documents, there doesn't seem to be a way to make a new document.

5. When the document is saved, it's automatically saved for all users. I personally see this feature being used to make quick notes at a gig for an individual performer. Saving the document for all users might clutter everyone's document viewer with potentially irrelevant documents. I think it would be useful if there was a setting where you can choose which users get newly created documents. The current user would be default but different users or all could also be selected.


1. I'll check into that.

2. That too.

3. There is no document file, just document metadata.

4. That's correct; this function is only available for songs that don't have any document, lyrics or chords. It's meant to be just a quick and perhaps temporary way to add some info before adding more complete info for the song.

5. If you turn on Settings > Account Sync > Personal Sync > Document Annotations, then the new document will be assigned only to you by default; otherwise, it will be assigned to everyone by default. Either way, you can change that afterwards from the document's edit page.


1. I checked this and didn't see a problem. The page (and editable area) will fill the width of the screen unless the document viewer is set to Fit To Height, in which case there might be uneditable areas on the sides, but those are clearly indicated by having the background color, not the empty document color. The only situation I can imagine where the top area isn't editable is if your document viewer doesn't extend to the top of the layout. For more troubleshooting, please submit a help ticket.

2. This was set to not refresh the song list when a full-screen document is open because that would close the full-screen document. But that doesn't seem to be happening anymore, so I changed that so when you save the annotations, the song list will refresh and that will update the button state. That will be available in the next update, planned for Sunday.