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Recording Trim Problem Revisited

Started by fleahead, May 07, 2014, 03:44:21 AM

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Hi Arlo, has there been any progress in fixing the issue with trimming the duration of a recording causing the app to crash? This was from back in January, I think. All else is still working great for us.

Jim in Ohio
Jim in Ohio


Are you referring to the problem that was mentioned here in the release notes for version 3.4.5? That should be fixed:


No, I'm referring to I an issue I had with recordings I had trimmed time from the end, but when they were played, the app crashed when it got to the trim point. In February you sent me this reply....

Okay, I see the same problem. Unfortunately, Apple is not allowing any further app updates -- not even bug fixes -- until apps are redesigned for iOS 7. That's going to take a couple of months, but I'll try to include a fix for this in that first release.

In the meantime, I'm afraid you won't be able to use the end trim in conjunction with the song completion actions ... I don't see a workaround for that.

There have been no updates since then to my knowledge.
Jim in Ohio


That's because Arlo hasn't submitted the next version of SLM to Apple yet.

I'm also having issues with an automation overdub issue and was told I have to wait until after the next release of SLM, before he can look into this potential bug.


Yes, as I mentioned in the message you quoted, I can't submit any updates until I complete the iOS 7 redesign and then I can look at any outstanding issues.

Hopefully any changes in iOS 8 won't take as much time out of my development plans as iOS 7 has.


Ok, that was my original post... I was merely inquiring if there any progress toward the fix.

Jim in Ohio