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Tempo and count in

Started by SharkDriver, July 08, 2014, 03:41:36 AM

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Somehow I am lost here, searched the forum, FAQs and so on but found nothing...

How can I define count in? can this be done for each song separately?

We play some songs with changes in tempo. Something like this: First, we have  tempo 100, and after x measures, we need to change to tempo 120.
In addition, we need backing tracks synced to this tempo changes.

How can this be done wir SLM?

Thank you!


We play some songs with changes in tempo. Something like this: First, we have  tempo 100, and after x measures, we need to change to tempo 120.
In addition, we need backing tracks synced to this tempo changes.

Set List Maker has no way currently to change tempos within a song. It's on my wish list. Meanwhile, if you need multiple tempos, you would have to record your own click track as an audio file and play that back from within Set List Maker.

If you need to synchronize this with a backing track, you'd need to put the backing track on one channel of a stereo file and the click track on the other channel. That means you can't use a stereo backing track. Playing back two audio files at once (a stereo backing track plus a click track) is also on my wish list as a higher priority, hopefully for version 4.1.

How can I define count in? can this be done for each song separately?

Is this a separate question, or part of the above?


No, it's a separate question.

Thank you, the way with separate stereo channels is the way we are working now.
But if you want to sync midi to this, we need indeed the possibility to change tempo, do we?


For a count-in, you can configure Set List Maker to automatically stop the tempo clicks after a certain number of beats, in Settings > Tempo & Pitch. If you want the tempo clicks to start before a backing track but keep playing during a backing track, I think you'd need to start the tempo clicks, then start the backing track, both with an automation track. But if you need tempo changes within a song, this should all just be part of your split-channel backing track.

I don't understand the question about syncing MIDI; please describe what you want to do in more detail.