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Started by chuckpuckett, March 15, 2015, 07:33:42 PM

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Does anybody else see this? On my iPad (and I have no idea what sequence causes it, though I have been adding and editing a lot of songs), after some period of time, I see a blue popup center screen, that says
English (US)

It stays there regardless of where I go, Songs, Shows, Settings. etc. If I exit SLM, it's not on any other app, but when I come back, there it is. Right in front of the lyrics I'm trying to sing. :(

I can make it go away by cycling power, and sometimes it just goes away (but I don't know what I did or why it disappears).

We have not yet used SLM in a gig (thought that's coming up pretty quick). I'd like to avoid this distraction. Anyideas?
Chuck Puckett
"I don't want to steal the show... I only want to borrow it for a while"


I don't know what you're referring to -- can you post a screen shot?


Here you go.
I noticed it popped up when I was editing in the Lyrics window and selected some text. It's there now, won't go away.
Chuck Puckett
"I don't want to steal the show... I only want to borrow it for a while"


What iOS version are you using? This is displayed on the Help > Troubleshooting page.


Chuck Puckett
"I don't want to steal the show... I only want to borrow it for a while"


Okay, I was guessing this was something new in iOS 8.2, but I can't find any info about it. Maybe some info will come out in the coming days as more people install that.

When the software keyboard appears on your screen, does it include a "globe" icon to the left of the space bar?


I've attached a screenshot of iPad keyboard, since was not sure what you were asking.
Note that I almost always use ZAGG bluetooth keyboard when working on this iPad.
Chuck Puckett
"I don't want to steal the show... I only want to borrow it for a while"


All right, that eliminates the only idea I had ... I'll post back here if I run across any info about this. I've never seen it before, and I'm not knowingly doing anything in my app to show it.