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Feature request - bigger/better divider handle

Started by Sander, May 05, 2015, 05:53:27 AM

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Would it be possible to get a bigger divider handle or a different way to deal with this altogether? The way I use SLM, I rely on tapping the handle for the divider between the song list and the song info (chords, sheet, whatever)  a lot and it's pretty finicky right now. On Android it's even worse. Perhaps a two finger drag or tap could be implemented, or a resizable handle, or tapping the song name or whatever?


You can resize the columns while editing your data or setting up your layouts, but you generally should not need to do this while performing. Instead, you can select your preferred layout in the show view, and the column sizing will be loaded as part of the layout. If you want to use a song-only layout but quickly show and hide the song list, you can add the Song List - Split View or Song List - Full Screen button to your layout, and optionally turn on the song selection action to close the song list when you select a song.


Thanks, found the button, it seems to do the same thing as tapping the divider so that's exactly what I was looking for. Trying to set this up on Android I'm running into some layout issues. In landscape mode I can add the button but in portrait I can't, and mainly whatever I create as layout on one doesn't seem to translate well to the other - buttons overlapping etc.
What would be the best way to go about this?


In landscape mode I can add the button but in portrait I can't

What are you doing and what happens when you do it?

and mainly whatever I create as layout on one doesn't seem to translate well to the other - buttons overlapping etc.

You need to create separate layouts for landscape and portrait. The app will remember the last layout you used in each orientation and will switch between them when you change orientations.


Do you mean within a layout I have to edit both views or I need to create two distinct layouts, one per view, and select the correct one for each view?


Two distinct layouts. That's why, among the default layouts that ship with the app, some have "Portrait" appended to the name.
