Apps by Arlomedia

BandHelper => Account Help => Topic started by: Moon Dog on January 30, 2018, 04:58:32 PM

Title: I need more than read only and Administration Access Control
Post by: Moon Dog on January 30, 2018, 04:58:32 PM
Hey Everyone....hope you guys are doing well and enjoying Band Helper. It just keeps getting better and better.

We are lucky to have someone like Arlo in charge. There are millions of apps out there and the authors don't you well know.

I am interested to know if anyone has a work around for me or also shares my desire for a little more control over my account. I will also throw out there that I would be willing to pay for an upgraded account if I could get this working...its a real pain for me.

Here is my situation. I have a Solo Act, a Duo and a Band. What a mess right......

I share Specific Projects with specific people exactly the way Arlo envisioned Projects to be used. Here is my Duo guy is a contributor. He should be able to add songs, create set lists, etc etc....

There is one other guy in the Band that is in a similiar situation. I trust him and he could be very helpful instead of me doing everything.....

Today my choices are to set these guys to read only.....which means no collaboration and I get stuck doing everything....


I make them administrators.....But you know the problem with this...these guys can go in and do anything and everything they want including delete and I just can't risk that.

Here is what would be the ultimate situation for me and I bet others. How about the account owner gets overall Master Administration rights.

People are associated with Projects so why not allow us to setup Project Administrators? This would be the answer to what I need. These people would not be able to screw with any of the top level admin functions but be able to add content etc at the Project Level.

Thoughts???? Anyone?

Moon Dog
Title: Re: I need more than read only and Administration Access Control
Post by: arlo on January 30, 2018, 08:08:31 PM
You can make them neither read-only nor administrators -- just regular users -- and they will be able to add, edit and delete content but won't be able to add, edit or remove users (so they can't, for example, lock you out of your own account). You can also assign them only to certain projects and they will only be able to view and edit the content in those projects. Is that what you're looking for?
Title: Re: I need more than read only and Administration Access Control
Post by: Moon Dog on January 31, 2018, 09:36:04 PM
Thank you for this information. I was not aware of the NO CHOICE option...
Let me try this ..... it just might work.


...OK so it does work the way you have described.
The member can now create new songs etc in their own project....


If I share any songs with them they can edit those songs. Some of these songs are songs I play in my solo act and cannot be modified by anyone other than me.

So this won't work for me....the only option I have at this point to is to have them get their own account and then I have double work again to maintain both accounts.

I think I need "Read and Create New" access control only...that would work.

A share between accounts would also be a great option for me and you Arlo...more revenue (which you deserve) and would solve all these problems for anyone managing multiple incarnations of musical entities.

Thanks for any consideration you may give this subject.

Moon Dog
Title: Re: I need more than read only and Administration Access Control
Post by: arlo on February 01, 2018, 08:37:41 AM
There's no way to say that a song is editable if it's only in the user's project but not editable if it is also in other projects. I could implement that, but I think it would be confusing because users wouldn't know why some songs are editable and some aren't.

If you want, you could copy the song, rather than share it across projects, and put one copy of the song in each project. Then the user could edit the copy of the song in his project but not the copy of the song in your project.

The alternative is just to share the song and if someone makes unwanted changes, you can easily undo them from the Account > History page of the website, or the Settings > Account Sync > Roll Back page of the app. This is easier from the website because you can filter the history list; for example, to show all edits to all songs by a particular user.

You can copy songs between accounts if you want (you can only do this from the app currently), but that wouldn't have any advantage over copying songs between projects as described above.