iPad 1 (master) opens a full screen document and sends a message to iPad 2 which runs the automation of sending midi and starting the playback of a recording. There is a lag that causes midi commands to be executed one to three seconds out of sync. Perhaps the midi is being sent on time which means there is a lag in the recording starting.
If I run the automation directly on iPad 2, there is no lag and the midi commands are executed on time.
Is there a remedy for that or is there something I have overlooked?
When you say the MIDI commands are out of sync, what are they out of sync with?
They are out of sync with the song. For example, the midi that changes the lighting scene at the start of a verse or chorus don't change the scene until between one and three seconds after the start of the verse or chorus. This behaviour does not occur when running directly on the second iPad.
Do you mean out of sync with the recording? How are you playing the recording and how are you starting it?
Yes, it is out of sync with the recording. iPad 1 sends an automation command to iPad 2. iPad 2 starts playback of the recording and transmits the midi messages.
I assume the master is selecting songs on the slave via device linking. Then is the slave starting the recording, and starting an automation track for the MIDI? Or is it just starting an automation track, which starts the recording and sends the MIDI?
Sorry if I am not being clear. Yes, the master selects songs on the slave via device linking. Then the slave starts the recording and starts an automation track for the MIDI.
On the slave device, does it matter which setlist I choose? For example, I have a Perform setlist and an Automation setlist which include all of the same songs (the same songs as in the setlist on the Master device).
So if you select a song on the slave device, the MIDI and the recording play in sync, but if you select a song on the master device, the MIDI plays too late relative to the recording?
That just about sums it up.
There are two layouts I use on the slave device.
In Layout 1, the actions are:
Start/Stop Automation
Send Midi
Start/Stop Recording
In Layout 2, only one action is selected - Start/Stop Automation.
I have been using Layout 1 so perhaps there is a bit of 'double handling' of the midi presets which is causing the problem. I will give it a try with Layout 2 and see how that goes. I really should have checked all these details before bothering you with it. I am sorry. if I continue to have issues, I will let you know.
Yeah, you can start the recording and send the MIDI from the layout actions or from the automation track, but you wouldn't want to do it from both.