Somehow, my automation for a song got all screwed up. Don't yet know how that happened. But I figured 'OK, I'll just roll back to an earlier version'. But some how that song's history has been eradicated. Is there a way to restore it? How might this have happened? See screen shot:
The history only goes back 90 days, and changes to the automation track aren't shown on the song edit page (because the automation track can't be edited on that page), so if the only changes you made to the song were the automation track in the last 90 days, that list would be empty.
You should still be able to undo changes to the automation track from the Admin > History page of the website.
Thanks for the suggestion to go fix it at Account>History. However, the history shown there looks woefully incomplete. See screen shot below. Perhaps I am doing it wrong?
The text filter doesn't match against the song title, it matches against the name and value of the field that has been updated. You can change that to "automation" to show all the changes to automation tracks. I would reset the filters first and select only the Song table and the Update action.
Another screen shot. Am I doing this right? The oldest record for this song is visible in the screenshot - I selected 'All' on the page links at the bottom, and all instances of the word 'money' are in the screenshot. These four changes to that song's automation are all after discovering the issue with the automation track. Note that the oldest record is an _update_ to existing automation.
Thinking maybe the only preceding event was when the automation was added, I enabled 'Add' and 'Delete' too, but the exact same four records come up for this song -- no more.
What am I doing wrong?
The history only goes back 90 days. There have only been four edits to that song's automation track in that time.
Oops - I guess you said as much a couple posts back. Somehow, I conflated the 90 days with the per-song history in the sidebar.
Thanks for your help as always -