Good Morning, quick question, band had a gig last night, we have a lead singer that controls BandHelper and runs the backing tracks. BandHelper broadcasts the set list and scrolls the lyrics. It works perfectly. But last night, we noticed that both an iPad Pro and a regular iPad both ran out of battery power in 3 hours. This hasn't happened before. Both iPads are using the latest software update. No background apps running. Anyone else have this issue? Any ideas?
I play in a duo, use BH to send song changes to partners iPad, send midi presets to Boss RC600 every song. Our band only iPads (base model 2y/o) generally have 40-50% left after 3 hours.
Our backings are stored on RC600 and midi triggered. Could it be that you are playing backings directly from ipad and using more battery..?
Thanks for your response. It is strange because 2 different iPads ran very low on battery during the last show and that has not been an issue for a couple of years.