I haven't been able to see a way to make contacts private to just the administrator.
We will give access to BH to a full-in so they can see the set list and have access to it during the gig etc. I don't feel comfortable with them just having full access to my Rolodex.
I tried a bunch of different things and no matter what I did the user was always able to see my contacts. I don't really think it's appropriate that anybody should be able to just pop in and grab our whole contacts list. Not only from a competitive standpoint, but a privacy one: I have built a rapport with these venues and I might have their personal cell phones and things that they don't necessarily want other random people having, but they trusted to me because I've built a rapport. I do know that there's a setting where you can let people only see things that they're on the schedule for. But if they're on the schedule, they can still see the contact information in full. I'd rather keep the contact information like names and phone numbers and emails private. It's cool to have the address right there so band members are all texting me asked me the address of the place. But it seems the address is tied to the contact and it seems to be all or nothing.
Am I missing something?
You can edit the user and turn on the Personal Contacts Only setting. Then they will only see the first contact for the events they're included in. That would typically be a general venue contact with an address, so they can find the gig. They will not be able to see additional event contacts or browse the full Contacts list.
Ok, that's not quite what I was expecting, but I see how it can work and made it work. A "show location only" flag would be simpler, but I added a second entry to all contacts and only put the venue address, and then updated all my events to remove the original contact and add the venue address version, and then checked that "Events only" option for each user. So now people can see the location tied to the event, but nothing more. As admin I have the full rolodex. I'm not so worried about my band members, but we have subs that I give access to and wouldn't want them having access to our full rolodex with private cell #s and all. So this work-around works. I'm detailing it out here for others who come later... :-) Thanks.
Another option would be to have one contact entry for each venue and put the public phone number into the Phone field and the booker's personal cell phone number into the Notes field. I like giving my bandmates access to basic contact info for the venue. (Although I know that if they get lost, they're just going to call me, not the venue.)
Actually I was wrong about this point: users set to Contact Events Only can see all the contacts attached to their events, not just the first. I must have been thinking of the website widget, which shows the address of the first contact attached to an event.
So if you wanted to hide some details of your venue contacts, you could split them into a shared contact record (with address and public phone number) and a private contact record (with the booker's cell phone number) and only attach the shared contact to the event, as you described. Or you can put the private details into the Notes field or a custom field; users set to Event Contacts Only can't see those fields.