I have a custom field that we use on our web site via the JSON feed. In the BH web app, it corrupts the display of the event page! The HTML is legal, displays on our website correctly, and is similar to another event's HTML that works without corrupting the BH display. The only thing I can think of that might cause the problem is perhaps the "#" in the URL?
Here's the event's link: https://www.bandhelper.com/schedule/event_edit.html?ID=IjLyXz
Here's a different event with similar HTML that doesn't corrupt the page: https://www.bandhelper.com/schedule/event_edit.html?ID=9frYiy
The text is getting to our web site correctly: see the "Park City Music Hall" event. https://ellisislandrock.com/schedule.html
Here's what the problem looks like: (https://ellisislandrock.com/images/bh_display_problem.png)
I'm using Firefox but I just checked and I see the same issue in Safari.
You originally entered that link with a typo, like "<a>tickets</a?". That was breaking the edit history in the left column. I just edited your history to fix that typo and now the page should display correctly.
That said, I don't think I ever intended to support HTML in custom fields. What is supported is to add a custom field named "Tickets" and put just a link into that and then the JSON feed will build an <a> tag with your link and "Tickets" as the anchor text. Or if you're processing your own JSON, you could use something like Markdown syntax to add links (https://www.markdownguide.org/basic-syntax/#links), or the syntax that this forum uses, then convert that into an <a> tag before displaying it.
Thanks for the fix, Arlo. I'll think about avoiding using HTML and using a JS Markdown library.
Took me 10 minutes to find a Markdown library and start using it. I've changed the few future gigs that had html in the description to use Markdown.
Okay, cool!