can I use MIDI commands sent by setlistmaker to change the channels in my JamUp app that would be running in the background?
I've used Set List Maker to send MIDI play/pause messages to JamUp and that worked. Sending program changes should also work, but I can't say for sure what other MIDI messages JamUp can recognize.
Is there no definitive way of knowing without buying the upgrade? Thank you in advance for your help. Love your app!!
Do you mean `presets', instead of `channels'?
If so, you should be good to go:,755.0.html
Yes I mean presets. And thank you!! Looks like SLM will do everything I need it to do!
Thanks Pongo, I forgot about that earlier thread.
Quote from: arlo on January 12, 2015, 12:19:37 PM
Thanks Pongo, I forgot about that earlier thread.
No worries!
And to quote a line from a great old movie..."I'm your sponge"!
(Auntie Mame from 1958) LOL!
Hey there. Tried it out last night and all went perfect! What a great app!