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Repertoire Help / Re: Starting an automation tra...
Last post by arlo - January 06, 2025, 09:22:26 AM
You can add the Automation Controls to a layout, then use the progress bar to slide forward past the intro.
Repertoire Help / Starting an automation track n...
Last post by garysn - January 06, 2025, 08:15:18 AM
Hi all,

we have a song with a very long piano intro.

Lyrics autoscroll is created with an Automation and everything works fine.

In our rehearsals we don't like to wait until the piano intro (> 1 minute) is over, before the rest of the band can start.

So we are looking for a way to skip the intro and let the automation track start at the position when all band members are involved in the song.

Is there a way to achive this with standard banhhelper functionality?

Kind regards

Repertoire Help / Re: iOS Virtual MIDI
Last post by KeytarPaul - January 03, 2025, 08:07:59 PM
I got it sorted for choosing the Song Sections with PRG Ch.

The only thing I did differently was devote a track Midi Input to BH after I had already set

External MIDI Control
MIDI Control For Changing Sections/Songs to
MIDI Inputs
Change Sections with CC Values = ON
CC Number for Changing Sections [prg] (Set with MIDI learn next to [display])
Repertoire Help / Re: iOS Virtual MIDI
Last post by arlo - January 03, 2025, 10:37:20 AM
Do you see KeyStage listed among the Connected Ports in the MIDI Status window?

That isn't necessary because other apps could just listen on the Network Session, but if it does appear that tells us it is definitely using Virtual MIDI.
Repertoire Help / iOS Virtual MIDI
Last post by KeytarPaul - January 02, 2025, 11:54:26 PM
I hope it's ok to revive this discussion.

I have switched from an Android Tablet to a 2024 iPad Pro for the instruments available. I love BH on the iPad and i have over 100 songs with backing tracks ready to go.
But I can't get BH to send Program Change to the instrument apps.
I tried with KeyStage because it can load more that one instrument on several tracks in Songs and Sections. The Midi preset from a song selection doesn't show up in the KS midi monitors after setting up KS as a device in BH and setting the midi inputs in KS.
 Any suggestions?
Other Help / Re: Any chance we can convert ...
Last post by arlo - January 02, 2025, 10:55:19 AM
Actually while there's no way to import that data into the current Set List Maker, it looks like the BandHelper website still includes the code to import plist files. You will need to make the following edits to the plist file before importing it on the Admin > Import page of the BandHelper website:

1. Replace these lines:


with these lines:


2. Rename all the tables (the top-level keys) from plural to singular: apps to app, customFields to customField, songs to song, etc. Note that you should rename the document and recording tables, but not the documents and recordings fields within the song table.

I assume some data will still be missing after doing this, but this should handle most of it.
Other Help / Re: Any chance we can convert ...
Last post by arlo - December 31, 2024, 05:31:02 PM
Sorry, support for the iPad 1 ended nine years ago and any way to get data off of it stopped seven years ago. Your best option now is to use the import options to populate a new device:

As long as you're starting over, we do recommend BandHelper now:
Other Help / Any chance we can convert an o...
Last post by CDenby - December 31, 2024, 01:53:32 PM
I've got an old iPad V1 that I've used for a very very long time.
I saw that it had the "Export to Band Helper" on it, so I was pleased that it looked like when I was ready to use a newer ipad, I'd be able to move my SLM databases over to the new app and proceed.

However - when I run that Export to Band Helper routine, it provides a PList file. This is an XML file. I can't seem to import it into a newer version of Set List Maker, nor can I bring it into Band Helper.

What am I missing on this? The Set List Maker version is 4.2.

How can I get everything over to either Set List Maker version 2024-10-23 (134) or Band Helper?
Other Help / Re: How to increase an image a...
Last post by arlo - December 30, 2024, 10:51:30 AM
You can switch to the Full-Screen Lyrics layout, or any layout with its Layering setting set to Document Viewer On Top.

This video shows how to switch to the Full-Screen Lyrics layout:

And this page shows the standard layout options with different balances between the document viewer and other info. If these are not already installed, you can add a new layout and select one of these as the template:
Other Help / How to increase an image attac...
Last post by yamahap200 - December 30, 2024, 09:07:16 AM
Years ago, I was able to attach photos of charts to my associated songs, and I used to double click the image on my ipad which then expanded the image\photo to take up the entire screen, but since then with updates over time, it seems that I am no longer able to do this by increasing the image to take up the entire screen, it just stays small in image size, unless I'm doing something wrong -

Can someone add some insight for me?

I would like to use the entire scree to see the attach photo, not just a small version of it