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PDF scrolling

Started by iguana, December 24, 2017, 10:59:42 PM

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Is there a way to scroll a PDF at something less than a (almost) full screen?

My document set includes both PDFs and lyric fields, and I like being able to scroll about 2/3 or 3/4 screen at a time. Easy enough to do with the lyric field by using the scroll down action (rather than page down) and setting the scroll %age in settings. But on PDFs, that same action only gives me the heads and tails of each PDF page. In other words - assuming I'm starting at the top of a PDF page - scrolling down (regardless of the scroll %age setting) will scroll to the bottom portion of the page, skipping anything that might be in between. The zoom on my preferred layout shows about 40% of a PDF page at a time (Hey! my eyes are getting old!) and the middle 20% gets skipped.

I hope I've just missed something in the settings...


When I try it, the Document Scroll Amount setting is used for text lyrics or attached documents. To troubleshoot what you're seeing, please submit a help ticket:



Okay, I think this is a misunderstanding about how the setting works. The number you enter for Settings > Remote Control > Document Scroll Amount is a percentage of the page height, not the screen height. Maybe this is confusing because for lyrics, the page height is considered to be the screen height, and maybe this should be changed to always follow the screen height to help when using a mixture of documents and lyrics.

Anyway, with the current functionality, if you are viewing 40% of your page at a time, and you set the scroll amount to 75%, you'd see the behavior you're describing. You'd need to set it to 30% (75% of 40%) to get the expected behavior. Can you verify that?


OK, the behavior makes sense from that perspective.

I had figured out that changing a setting of 30% or 35% would work for PDFs, and I've been using that for the last week and a half.

I use a mix of lyrics and PDFs. A setting of 35% makes for a lot of foot taps when scrolling through lyrics.

If I get a vote, I would prefer that the setting be related to what's visible on screen rather than the underlying document.

Thanks for looking at this.


Okay, I'll put that on my to do list and will let you know when I can do it.



Okay, this is changed in the new app version released today:
