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adding new songs

Started by dcraftfrombr, April 24, 2023, 07:19:52 PM

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With Set List Maker, I used to add a song to a playlist in iTunes, then import that playlist into the Songs area. It would create the song, put in the duration and artist name and link the audio recording.
While I think I can do the same with Bandhelper, since the songs are already on my computer, I was hoping I could create the song directly on my computer without doing the iTunes and iPad steps. If I import the song under recordings it does not create a song under the songs tab. It only adds the recording. What am I doing wrong?



If you have several recordings to import, you can batch-import them and select the option to add new songs for the recordings; see the first section on this page:

If you are only adding one recording, it's easiest to add a song, then add the recording to that song.


OK, I missed the "add new song" option. However, the Artist field did not populate nor did the duration of the songs. The recordings I am importing have ID3V1 & ID3V2 tags that have the Artist listed.


BandHelper doesn't read metadata from a recording file. You would have to enter the artist and duration to the song yourself. If you're adding a lot of songs, you can set them up in a spreadsheet and add the artist and duration there, then import it. You can also include the recording filename in the spreadsheet, then after importing that, batch-upload the recordings (without the Add Songs option) and they will link up. Instructions are in the "IMPORTING SONGS FROM A DATA FILE" section on this page:


So add reading metadata from the recordings to my wish list. I thought Bandhelper was supposed to be easier not harder than SLM.


BandHelper's independent approach avoids a lot of problems that come from integrating with the iTunes media library. Even in Set List Maker I no longer recommend that as the default approach.