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Mac app layout: Song List initial nav

Started by joebear, May 14, 2024, 11:51:31 PM

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On the iPad, the Song List seems to have by default a nav along its right edge - specifically, a column of letters that form first initials of songs.

I can't seem to find a way to enable that on Mac. Am I blind?

Sure, you can add Sections to the headers, but that's another click away. Not quite the same thing.


Are you viewing the same set list or smart list on both devices? The list shortcuts should appear in the same situations on both platforms.



The layout on your Mac has the Jump To Section button turned on. That is an alternative to the section shortcuts in the song list and hides them. If you want those back you can edit the layout details and turn off that button.


That fixed it all right. I didn't consider it would be either/or. Thanks again.