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Exporting songs!

Started by MasonJames, April 30, 2024, 03:27:12 PM

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I've searched and can't seem to find a solution that allows for exporting all songs. When i click "export" at the bottom of the repitorie-songs page, it just gave me a text edit fil of all the songs fields.


What do you want to do with the exported songs? There are a few different export options depending on what you need to accomplish.


Wanting to transfer the chord pro formate type text into ultimate Guitar for public access. I've had a couple people interested in how I personally do covers and want to perform my originals.


Does Ultimate Guitar have an import function, or will you be copying and pasting individual songs into UG?


It would be individually but would love a bulk export from bandhelper.


If you have bracketed (ChordPro-style) chords, you can go to Settings > Appearance and set Bracketed Chords to Inline and turn off Hide Brackets When Inline.

Then go to Repertoire > Smart Lists > Active Songs, or make a new smart list that shows all songs. Then select Share Songs. That will give you a PDF that you can copy and paste song lyrics with bracketed chords from. Or if you use the website, you can copy and paste directly from the HTML preview.


I'm not looking for PDF files of the songs. I know that can be done easily. I'm looking for the text files of each song when importing.


You can copy and paste the text from the PDF file (or the HTML preview) into Ultimate Guitar.


This would be song by song- not bulk.


You can export all the songs in a set list. or all the songs in a smart list. A smart list can include all the songs in a project or some subset of those songs based on the criteria you set up.