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Build Setlist from filtered Songs or Smart List(s)

Started by JerryK, June 04, 2024, 09:25:15 AM

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I'd love to be able to add songs to a (probably new) setlist from the (filtered) Songs list or a Smart List(s).

My duo songs are mostly (it's coming along) Tagged with whether or not they have backing and whether they suit Aco or Ele guitar or perhaps several of those:  @B.el  @0.el   There are many of each, and I/she wants to pick the right selection for the job.  Nice to see a list of just the right songs when building a set/list.

To save lots of disorderly swapping, these songs will be arranged in the setlist, in blocks of backing or not; and Aco or Ele guitar, separated by pseudo-songs which un/mute the mixer's backing track channels and guitar channels at that time, as each section comes along.  So it's ideal to select from one list type at a time.

It would be great to view a list of each (some live in more than one list (Tags) ) and select (Tick) those to add to the chosen Setlist.  Like Add to Project, Add the Tag, Set the Field etc.

Does that appeal to anyone else?
I think it's just (for the user anyway) another item in the left-navigation bar(s).
Thanks for listening.


Did you try sorting and/or filtering the Add Songs popup window when adding songs to a set list? You could sort that by Tags, for example.


Actually, no, though I should have done.  Of course I'm used to filtering for title or artist there.

But in fact, for those Tags, the songs filter very poorly, though it's not clear why.  I try removing the '.' or '@', thinking it might be ignoring those (as is desirable elsewhere) but that's not it.

What I do notice, is "Add Songs from Setlist".  If that also included Smart Lists, job done.


Sorting that list by Tags should do what you're looking for. (Or just looking at the song details under the song titles as you scroll through the song list to select songs.)


Filtering in Add Songs for Tag  in "J&T & Neon Duos" project returns about 130 songs, of which only about 33 contain (or show?) that Tag.  Sorting that list by Tags certainly rearranges the songs but doesn't result in the wanted songs being any better grouped in the list or any better sorted, just differently, which is particularly odd, as that Tag is the first one in the Tags sort order.  I'd expect that one to have the best chance.
If we can understand why too many are returned, sorting by title, as usual, would be favourite.

Songs can have more than one of those 4 Tags, so sorting by Tags present could still produce a strangely ordered list, though less so than currently.


The search function doesn't include punctuation in words, so it probably splits a tag named "" into the words "0" and "ac." So that would give a lot of false positive results. A tag with a name like "Acoustic guitar" would work better.

I don't think this would matter when sorting, and sorting the Add Songs list by tag should make a separate group for each tag, so you can easily pick songs that contain the tag you want.


I have WAAY too many tags for that example to be usable. They can already be a struggle to fit across the iPad screen.  However, I'll see what I can come up with.
I don't think that explains what I see with the sorting but changing the tags a bit should help, I guess.

That's much better.  100% filtering and back to sorting by title.  Thanks Arlo.


I have long wanted to be able to have the option of building a setlist from a Smart List, which is I think what you are asking for.  When adding songs to a playlist, I'd like the option to "Select from [dropdown of specific playlists I can choose from]. So, if that's what you're asking for, I am a +1


You can select a previous set list to select songs from when building a new set list, but not a smart list.