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Two AirTurn PED Bluetooth Pedals with Setlist Maker

Started by LivingRoom, August 19, 2016, 02:00:49 AM

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before update to Setlist Maker 5.x.x
I used 2 of AirTurn PEDs.
One for scrolling and document roll up,
the Otter one for notes and document roll down.
It wirkend fine.
After update Setlist Maker to Vers. 5.x.x 
it is'nt possible to use Booth together.
There are two funktions at one switch:
For example scroll and note together
So I can use only one of the AirTurn PEDs.
(annotation: there was even a firmware update of AirTurn PEDs)


I don't know why you wouldn't be able to do this. Please describe specifically what you are doing and what problem you see when you do it.


Hallo Arlo,

pairing both PEDs - and select for first PED 2) up/down and for second PED 3) left/right.
Then to program my AirTurn PEDs in Setlist Maker => adjustment (german: Einstellungen) => remote control (german: Fernsteuerung)
=> action (german: Aktionen)
=> autoroll start/stop (german: Autorollen Start/Stop) = 1 arrow up (1 / Pfeil hoch)
=> document roll up (Dokument nach oben rollen) = 3 arrow down (3 / Pfeil runter)
=> notes (german Notizen ein-/ausblenden) = 2 arrow left (Pfeil links)
=> document roll down (Dokument nach unten rollen) = 4 arrow right / empty (Pfeil rechts / leer)

ok - then I test in one of my layouts:
open a document and press first PED (left) button for autoroll -> it works, but notes are shown too (but notes should not be indicated)

pressing the left button of second pedal -> the same effect

the right buttons of PED 1 -> document moves up for 1cm and immediately back
the right buttons of PED 2 -> document moves down for 1cm and immediately back

it seems the PADs don't work independently.

best regards


If you tap the foot switch button in the top toolbar, and look at the Activity Log, then press each of the four PED buttons, do four different incoming messages appear in the Activity Log?