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Lyrics in columns

Started by ikeaman, December 12, 2016, 10:57:32 PM

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Hi everyone,
Just wondering if it's possible to view lyrics in say...2 columns instead of one continuous column where you have to scroll down. I have been using keynote on iOS until I switched to SLM. On keynote you could write/paste text into a text box and freely move it around. I would use 2 text boxes and put them side to side. This saved me having to scroll down. Is this poss in SLM?


No, the only way to do that would be to lay out your lyrics in a word processor or design document and then attach the document to your song.


Ahh ok. Yes I was actually thinking of doing that. Thanks!


Hmmm --- I'm trying to do the same thing (lyrics in 2 columns).

If I try using Word (doc or docx) with a 2-column layout, Set List Maker shows it as a single column.

I have access to lots of apps on my Mac .... what is the most foolproof method (and app) to simply display my lyrics with 2 columns, scaled so that they always fit in the lyric panel with no scrolling required? I'm using an iPad Mini in landscape.



I'm surprised iOS doesn't render columns in Word files correctly, but I have seen other issues with Word files not quite displaying right. If you save your Word files as PDFs and attach those instead, they should display with complete accuracy. Another advantage of using PDFs is cross-platform compatibility (the Android version doesn't display Word files at all).