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Newbie questions

Started by terry, November 15, 2017, 08:28:59 AM

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Hi all.

I'm a small time one man band performer. I use the Samsung mp3 player on my tablet for performances. I make mp3 backing tracks, make playlists on Media Player on my PC then download them to my tablet. I use a binder for all my lyrics, close to 150 songs, pain to page through when looking for a song.

So now I have Set List Maker. I managed to get my playlists to the app. Now I want lyrics, mine are all .odt files, so I'm converting them all to pdf and attaching them to my songs, this is gonna be time consuming but hopefully worth it in the end.

Can I change the song titles font, it's HUGE, I can only see a few songs.

So I can use either documents or lyrics to view lyrics. For lyrics do I have to type them in manually? If so that ain't happening. What's the difference anyway?

I struggle with computers at the best of times.

Sorry if these questions have already been asked.



To resize the song titles in a set list, go to Layouts > [layout name] > Edit Layout, click the song list, click its options button in the top right, then change the size settings.

To enter lyrics, you can type them in or copy and paste.

Here's a comparison between attaching documents and entering lyrics:


So I kinda figured out how to resize title size now my attached lyric document is teeny now what???


Can you send a screen shot of what you have, and describe what you want to change?


Firstly for a screen shot don't I need an ID ticket?

I've now messed up every screen available, is there no way to start over???

I'm getting extremely frustrated with this app, ready to go back to mp3 player and a music binder!

App keeps crashing.

What version do I have, I see no where that I can pick a template to choose from like the tutorial shows.

When on the "More Info" screen the "Save Zoom" and Reset Zoom buttons are grayed out and do not work.

All I want is the lyrics on the screen with the recording controls at the bottom and the option to toggle back to the set list but the amount of time I've wasted trying to do this is stupid.



After a bunch more trial and error I realize I've deleted all but 2 templates in the "Sample Data" base. Once you delete something it's GONE.

I also found if I create a new data base 10 templates are available none of which work for me so I have to edit the layout.

Also when I created a new data bass and imported my playlists the attached lyric document didn't come along.

Now my main problem is resizing the document text, still grayed out zoom function. I'd never be able to read it on stage. Is it because I have the set list off to the left side of the screen? I'd like to send a screen shot of the best I came up with showing the small document text.

Also App is still crashing.



You don't need an ID to attach a screen shot here. If you start a ticket with my help desk instead, then you can use the screen shot function within the app and enter your help desk ticket ID.

I'm happy to help with any issues you have, but it's usually easiest to address them one at a time, or in separate threads if you have some a number of unrelated issues. To troubleshoot a crash, using the help desk is best.


I manually typed in a few lyrics into the lyric's box. I can two finger zoom them in and out with no problem.

My problem is with using the documents feature. All my lyric documents were from the web, copied and pasted into Open Office (odt files) and edited there. Being I need pdf files I opened my document in Open Office and exported it as a pdf. Apparently there is some formatting issues or something in this conversion process I guess. What can I do to fix??


OK I've solved my problem. It's definitely my pdf converted files. Something went wrong there.

I did a copy paste into the Lyrics field and it works like a charm!

So far so good.
