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Flic buttons

Started by arlo, June 10, 2018, 05:12:40 PM

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Thanks, Arlo. I'll check those out. Along those lines, would a typical "presentation remote" such as you would find in offices to remotely control PowerPoint presentations work? As I recall from the ones I've used (I do commercial/gov't AV systems in my day job), all they are is keyboard command emulators, typically pre-programmed with page up/page down/F5/Esc commands.



If it's a keyboard emulator, yes, but you'd have to make sure it sends the keys BandHelper recognizes: Up/Down/Left/Right Arrow, Space, Enter or the numbers 0-9.


The latest app versions (4.1.23 for iOS and 3.1.20 for Android) add built-in support for Flic 2 buttons. This brings Flic 2 support to Android, and eliminates the need to use the Flic app on either platform:

To use a Flic 2 button, do not pair the button in the device's Settings app. Instead, go to Settings > App Control, click Connect Second-Gen Flic Button, then click and hold the Flic button until it connects. Then you can scroll down to Actions, select an action, click Flic Button Messages and assign the action to the Click, Double-Click or Hold gesture.