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Improved rendering of chords and lyrics

Started by pheldal, October 27, 2019, 04:32:03 AM

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Is it possible to shrink the display of information a little when there are lines with only chords and whitespace. In those cases I would prefer if BH simply would skip rendering the empty line of text. The text line is skipped when there is no text or whitespace. I would extend that to only print the line if it has visible characters outside of chords.


  [C]    [F]   [G]
  [C]    [F]   [G]

...should render as:

   C   F   G
   C   F   G

...with no line in between

Along the same lines I would also like to have BH insert spaces when rendering bracketed chords where there are none for enhanced readability. The web-interface is where it is hardest to read a string of complex chords. To manually add whitespace for improved readability is currently not an option for the reason given above.


I'm not following what the problem is and perhaps that's because some of the spacing you've entered isn't displaying on the forum. Can you include some screen shots? Or submit a help ticket and use the app's built-in screen shot function.


I have attached 3 screenshots, one from the app and two from the web-interface that illustrate the problem.

  • The file chords-in-editor.png show 3 lines of bracketed chords in the lyrics-field written first with no whitespace, then with 2 spaces inserted between each chord for improved readability.
  • web-chord-render.png show how those chords appear in the web-display. Note that:

    • Chords with no whitespace between are rendered without whitespace (unlike the app) which makes complex chord-strings harder to read
    • Both cases, with and without whitespace between chords have empty lyrics-lines in between although there are no lyrics
  • app-chord-render.jpg show how the chords appear on android:

    • The first three lines of chords that were saved with no whitespace in between render the way I would like. I.e. with no empty lines and with whitespace inserted where there is none between the chords for readability
    • The three last lines that had two spaces inserted between each chords is rendered with empty lines between like the webapp does for both cases

The same two principles should apply in all places where chords are displayed, except from in the editor. The behaviour should be consistent across platforms, including the webapp:

  • Chords with no whitespace between them should have whitespace inserted for readability. Also in the web-app
  • The lyrics-line under the chords (when chords are displayed on top of the lyrics) should be omitted when the line from the editor does not contain printable characters other than chords.


Please try the new website update and Android version released today. I think this will address all the issues listed above.


Yes, that is much better.

I've closed the corresponding ticket.