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Can you set "Copy to Devices Manually" for recordings globally?

Started by billrow, August 11, 2023, 01:09:07 PM

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I would like to get all recordings onto my device to play through PA for band to practice with. But don't need to take up space on other guys' devices, as they can just play songs from our Dropbox for their individual practice. Can I set the manual copy option for all recordings, without changing every one individually? Thanks.


No, but a better approach is for your bandmates to turn off Settings > Account Sync > Auto-Download Files on the devices where they want to save space. Then they still have the option of clicking a recording to download it manually if they want. They can also click Remove Downloaded Files to remove any recordings that have already been downloaded.


Thanks, Arlo. We'll try that. And thanks for the usual quick response!  :)
