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Predictive text when entering new song, set list, etc

Started by makophin, May 16, 2024, 03:47:49 PM

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I notice that when I am entering new data for a song, setlist, etc. it will automatically suggest similar entries for such things as instrument, etc, which is very handy.

In other apps I use, there is a way to accept the suggestion without retyping it, sometimes with a space, <tab>, etc. but I haven't found this yet, nor in any of the forum info I have tried searching.

Is there a way to accept the suggested info without retyping over it?



When autocomplete text appears, you can click the remainder of the text to accept it.


I have the same problem.

If I click the suggested text that appears, it will not transfer it to the text box. It disappears and just leaves the characters I have actually typed. To be able to use the type-ahead function I must do a 'down arrow' and ENTER to catch it into the  text box.

Applies to Windows 10 with either Edge or Chrome.


Quote from: arlo on May 16, 2024, 08:45:57 PMWhen autocomplete text appears, you can click the remainder of the text to accept it.
I thought I tried that, Arlo, but I'll try again

I'm an old DOS/UNIX/PC guy, and still a bit of a Luddite using the iPad - I normally use a keyboard and mouse when I'm entering data.  If that doesn't work, I'll try touching the text.




Note that makophin is asking about the app and Ulfonze is asking about the website. Auto-correct works differently in the app versus the website. Also, we are in the Set List Maker forum but Set List Maker doesn't have a web interface; BandHelper does.


Ok, sorry about that. My comment was related to the website for BandH yes.  :D 


Arlo -

As usual, your support for this product is excellent!  Touching the predicted text works great on my iPad based Set List Maker.
