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Auto-Scroll for different documents in one song.

Started by garysn, October 13, 2024, 05:33:25 PM

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Hi all,

I have a song with 3 attached documents.

The singer uses doc1, the keyboardist uses doc2 and the drummer uses doc3.
They all use autoscroll, but all the documents have different lengths and the standard autoscroll does not work very well for this song.

So I switched to auto-scroll with manual settings and configured auto-scroll duration auto-scroll pre roll so that it works fine for doc1 on my singer's tablet.

On my keyboardist's tablet, I configured it to work fine with doc2, but after syncing, the auto-scoll duration and pre roll values from my singer's tablet are overwritten.

I can't find a way to set these two parameters to "private sync".

Is there a known solution to this problem?

Kind regards


The auto-scroll speed is calculated based on the duration and the length of the content that is auto-scrolled, so it should adjust automatically to different content lengths. However, with attached documents, the content lengths are in increments of full pages, so the calculation isn't as precise.

Do the documents contain lyrics or something else? Does the content within the documents fill the pages, or are the final pages of each document partly empty?


Hi Arlo,

Our documents all vary in size and content.Some contain Guitar-Tabs, others are Excel files (as PDFs), we have percussion scores and sheet music.

The problem is that we're all relatively old, which unfortunately doesn't help us to agree on a common format.But I think the main problem is, that each of us has a different tablet with a different screen size.

The problem is not that some documents stop too early at the end, but that the line to be played runs off the screen when scrolling.

With some effort, I manage to set the correct scrolling speed for each document, but I have not yet found a solution that works for all documents.

That's why I came up with the idea of making "auto-scroll duration" and "auto-scroll pre roll" individually adjustable for each song. I have seen, thas this is already possible with other parameters.

I have set up the database so, that for each song there are the standard lyrics and 4 additional documents, of which each of our 5 band members only ever sees his own document.

All documents have no margins or blank lines to avoid problems with automatic scrolling.

And there are no blank lines at the end of the document, as this is likely to distort the automatic calculation.

If everyone had the option to set their own individual values for "auto-scroll duration" and "auto-scroll pre roll" for each song, the whole thing should work perfectly for all formats.

But maybe there is a simpler way?


Can you submit a help ticket and attach a set of documents for one song (or attach them here if you don't mind sharing them with the world)?


Hi Arlo,

After a lot of trial and error, I have now found a solution that almost always works.

The whole thing works with the autoscroll-automatic setting and it almost always works because when I create the documents in my programs, I create a custom page length that is exactly as long as the content of my lyrics/notes/tabs.

By eliminating page breaks and the lack of top and bottom margins, the length of the song and the length of the document are exactly proportional, which allows the autoscroll routine to do its job quite well.

Unfortunately, there are still two small things that cause problems. Firstly, the names of the song sections (chorus, interlude, ...) and secondly, it is not always possible to  place the same number of bars in each line of the document without destroying the song structure.

In these cases, you simply have to use a tablet with a larger screen that has enough display area to compensate for the deviations.

I have attached two example files so you can see what I mean.

Kind regards


I agree that your approach of placing all content into one long page, with all repeated sections written out again so the whole thing can scroll linearly, should work well with auto-scrolling, even when each user's document is a different length.

However, using non-standard page sizes will break other functionality, like the Next Page / Previous Page functions and the set list Share Songs function.

If you can space out your content so it is evenly distributed across any number of standard sized pages (i.e., no half-empty page at the end), with minimal top/bottom page margins, that should work almost as well for auto-scrolling without breaking other functions.