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Reinstall upgrades

Started by Mick Techno, July 03, 2014, 06:50:15 AM

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Mick Techno

Just getting used to the new version but can't seem to get my upgrades to re-install.
I have pressed the reinstall button and entered password etc but still won't install.
Not sure if this is a 4.0 bug or if it's just me..:-)
Any ideas?


Generally you shouldn't have to reinstall upgrades after updating the app version. What happens when you try the Reinstall button? Did you wait at least a minute for your info to come back?

Mick Techno

Hi Arlo,
When I hit 'reinstall' it asks for my password (which I enter) then it shows the timer thingy for about 5secs - then nothing...
I've tried re-starting the app, restarting the iPad- still the same...
The 'sync', 'linking' and 'MIDI'  icons are not illuminated and when i hit either of them (or the 'Sync Now' button under the synchronization menu) I get the 'this requires a paid upgrade'.... message...


The reinstall could take up to a minute, did you wait that long?

You can also just buy the upgrades again, and if you are using the same iTunes account you originally used, Apple won't charge you a second time.

If you're using a different iTunes account than you originally used to purchase these, then the Reinstall button won't do anything, and you will be charged again.

Mick Techno

Yep - I waited-  but nothing happened.... (how do you know when the upgrades are installed?)
Same account as used at installation.


You will know the reinstall worked when the prices disappear and the purchase data appears for some of the upgrade items.

I'd just try repurchasing them, and Apple won't charge you a second time if you are using the same account.

Mick Techno

Looks like the store wants me to buy them all again...but I need to go get a new itunes card as i don't have enough credit on my account to go through the whole process..
Interestingly I looked in my itunes account and I cant actually see the purchase of the upgrades listed in my purchase history.
Could his have disappeared somehow? Or are these upgrades even normally listed in the purchase history?
That's what it looks like is happening - the app is looking for the upgrades on the server but they're not there...
We've had our bands 3 ipads and 2 iphones synced on the database for the last couple of years so I know they SHOULD be there....
Any ideas?

P.S. My Ipad mini (where I do most of the set list editing etc) is showing that there are 53 changes ready for database sync - so it knows its SUPPOSED to be syncing


I don't know if in-app purchases would normally be listed in your purchase history. I would think so. You could contact Apple at and ask if they can see a record of your purchases.

Mick Techno

Ok - Is that likely to be the problem? Has anyone else had this issue?
It was all working just fine until the SLM 4.0 update.....
I assume that you can see everyone's databases at your end on your server and can confirm that ours is still on there?


I haven't heard from anyone else with this issue. I have no access to your App Store purchase history or your Apple ID account, so you should contact Apple for questions about that. I can see your synced database data, but only if you send me a message from Help > Request Tech Support inside the app. But I think what you need to do is either buy the upgrades again and you won't be charged if you already bought them, or contact Apple if you think there is a problem with your purchase history.

Mick Techno

Ok - I went and got a new Itunes card and loaded that on my account. As a test, I re-purchased just the 'sync database' upgrade (originally bought all the upgrades) and it charged me again for this one....
Have sent an email to Apple support to see if they can fix this...
I also sent you an email from within the app so you can see my database - if you can see when the database was originally created that would give me an idea of when the upgrades were purchased (I reckon it would be over 2 years ago but can't remember exactly) and might help in finding the lost purchases.