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Video adapter support in iOS 8

Started by surgesound, September 21, 2014, 08:42:40 PM

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Just updated iPad (3rd gen.) to iOS 8, and suddenly my VGA and HDMI adapter dongles (which I use with SLM to mirror iPad display on stage) both now no longer function"---iPad displays "This accessory is not supported by this iPad" message.


That's annoying. Are the adapters made by Apple or another company?


They are both aftermarket adapters, but I've read elswhere that the Apple branded ones only work with a VERY LIMITED set of apps, and DO NOT mirror everything on the iPad's display, which is exactly what I need to do.


I haven't heard of that, but I have seen and heard of various third-party accessories failing after iOS updates; that's been going on for as long as I've owned iOS devices. It's very annoying, but it seems like your choice is to buy the more expensive Apple accessories, or be prepared to replace third-party accessories whenever new iOS updates disable them.