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Song run time

Started by wakevortex, December 07, 2015, 12:03:24 AM

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Quick question.
where do I see the ELAPSED time of my recordings as they play in a set  - i see a countdown to end, but not actual running time.
I need this so I know where various sections start in the lyric sheet


Bill P


You would need to use the predefined Practice layout that has the Recording Controls, or edit any song-only or split-view layout and add the Recording Controls to it. Then you will see the total time and elapsed time of the recording.


Ah..ok so there is no "elapsed time " counter as such, I have to add a recording control to see it?
isn't that a fairly obvious thing people would need to see clearly ?
The one on the recording control is also quite small..any way round that?


Bill P


Most people have asked for a countdown timer, and for those who need to see the elapsed time, the recording controls does the job. But no, the text on the recording controls is not resizable.


Ok thanks..seems everything I ask for is the opposite of others LOL
would that be a difficult option to add at some point? would be v useful to have a simple time counter


Bill P


I'll add it to my wish list. But the app already has so many options, I try not to add more options unless there is a solid demand for them.



its interesting
Ive come from a program called SHOWPLAY on the pc which I have used for years, and its a very different beast .. I love the advanced options you have compared to say ONSONG , but Im surprised that the pretty basic stuff isn't covered as its apparently not needed by your customers .. I perform with guitar and vocals, and want an app that will play tracks, scroll lyrics and trigger midi. V Interesting that this seems to be an odd thing to ask as a basic function before bells and whistles are added.. Not a criticism by any means- just an observation :-) :-)

Bill P


Different apps focus on different things; that gives users lots of choices. But I want to clarify that the function you are looking for is available, it's just not presented exactly the way you're expecting it to be presented.


Indeed you are correct

but what could be more basic as a request than  the guitar break starts at 2'45 in   not 1'10 to go ....
The elapsed timer is a really basic function, without having to add unnecessary recording controls to clutter the screen..... Pretty much every music player shows elapsed time as a matter of course...

I tunes, windows media player etc etc ......

can't see why that isn't obvious.....

Bill P


The recording controls has an elapsed time. The only part of your request that is not already available is for the elapsed time to have a customizable size. Is that an obvious feature? I've never seen an app that offers that.


:-) :-) I wasn't really asking for a resizable timer, merely pointing out that its REALLY small right now and hard to read !, and has to have superfluous recording controls attached ..
That to me makes it less usable than it could be for something so important to many....

Bill P


Just bumping this one up the list again...could you please reconsider this one ARLO
its SO useful to be able to see time elapsed CLEARLY  rather than stuck on the recording control really small as it is now

would really appreciate it being added to the list !

thanks !


It is already on my wish list.


Thank you ...much appreciated !
Bill P


In the new app version released yesterday, you can change Settings > Audio & MIDI > Recording Time Direction to Up to make the resizable recording button show the elapsed time instead of the remaining time. More info about the new version is here:,1785.0.html