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Is there a solution for transmitting tap Tempo from BH to devices?

Started by Uwe, November 03, 2017, 09:59:56 AM

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Well, that is the question....
As Midi clock is not appliclable for many of our devices.


There's no MIDI standard for sending a tap tempo message, but if you can find out what message your device wants to receive, BandHelper can send it. The new layout-level MIDI presets allow you to create a Tap Tempo preset and then attach it to a layout so it's available from every song.


Hmmm, and again.......

Yes, I can create a tap tempo button in the layout, but
I have to manually tap the tempo this way.

I want the programmed tap tempo to be transmitted to the devices.
All data is there the tempo of the song and the command for tap.
So it should be possible to have a automatic transmission of the taps when calling up a song.


You could try recording an automation track that triggers your Tap preset at the right interval. I don't know how accurate that would be. Generally the purpose of a tap tempo would be to set the tempo dynamically, and if you wanted to set a predetermined tempo you would use some other function. I seem to recall discussing this before and you saying your device has no other tempo setting function...


Yes, that's right.

Most guitar processors and FX devices only provide tap tempo.
It would be ideal to have the option to send 4 taps in a customizable interval via midi.
The calculation from bpm to tap tempo is trivial and sending 4 midi commands in an interval should be possible.


Did you try with an automation track?

Another idea is to play the tempo in the app (probably just the flashing light) and use that as a guide to tap in the tempo.

I've only had one other request for this, but surprisingly, his processor also wants to receive CC64 like yours. Even though this isn't standard MIDI, I'd be more likely to implement it if the same data were used by a variety of equipment. Does anyone else want to do this, and if so, what MIDI message does your device use?


Thanks Arlo.

Will try the automation after my vacation.

I think the implementation, if any, should be flexible.
I.e. I can decide how often which cc is triggered.
Otherwise the functionality would to limited.

BTW. I would like to use this for the lighting on stage as well.
So it would already be necessary to have at least two different ccs.


This is an old thread but I'm interested in this. What is required is for the BH to transmit via the tempo in each song the Midi Clock derived from that tempo to the CC associated from the midi clock. There is already a midi standard for that function.

Here is a snippet from a product called Logic Pro and how it performs Midi Sync/MTP and SMPTE to other devices.

Supported synchronization protocols
MIDI Time Code (MTC): Translates a SMPTE timecode signal into a MIDI standard timecode signal. See MTC interpretation.

MIDI Clock: Short MIDI message for clock signals. Used to provide a timing pulse between MIDI devices.

Logic Pro Xcan send MIDI Clock signals to synchronize external devices.

Logic Pro Xcan not receive MIDI Clock synchronization signals.

SMPTE timecode: An audio signal that is translated into MTC by some MIDI interfaces, such as the Unitor8.

Word Clock: A signal that is carried by all digital audio interface formats: ADAT, FireWire Audio, S/P-DIF, AES/EBU, T-DIF, and others. Used to maintain the timing integrity of sample words in audio signals that are transmitted digitally between Logic Pro X and external hardware or software. See Audio Synchronization settings.

ReWire: Logic Pro X can act as a ReWire host. It acts as the master synchronization source for ReWire-enabled applications such as Reason and Ableton Live. See ReWire objects.

If you take the Tempo entry from the song and transmit a steady timecode out the CC port then you will achieve this.

I am currently using BH to manage my set lists and connect to all of my Midi devices to change patches and having the Tempo Sync via MTC SMPTE out the midi would be extremely handy.

I'm sure a lot of musicians would love to have this. It would take BH to another level. Full control of everything on stage including lighting etc.


BandHelper can send MIDI Beat Clock. All you have to do is turn on Settings > Tempo & Pitch > Send MIDI Beat Clock, then play the tempo for a song.


I set it up selected the correct channel and the unit is not responding. What specifically are you sending. Plus my version of BH doesn't include send beat it has send beatbuddy.

What cc or whatever is it that your sending specifically.


My device requires a playing beat to be transmitted to CC 14 but it's changeable to any CC I want. So if 64 is ok then I'll do that.


MIDI Beat Clock consists of an FA message to start, then 24 F8 messages per beat, then an FC message to stop. These messages will be available to all channels. AFAIK that's the only standard way to send real-time tempos as MIDI messages. If your device wants to receive control changes, that's a non-standard implementation. Supporting that is on my wish list and I can add a vote for you.



Wer Had this discussion multiple times......

I still can't understand why there is no simple tap tempo in BH.
Most devices simply DO NOT USE midi tempo, but a simple continuous tap-tap-tap, get four or 8 of them and set their tempo.

I don't get it, why this simple solution is not implemented as it would really heplful.
Esp. as automation (yes, you can make it work) is absolute unnecessary extra work.