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iOS 3.3 / Android 2.3

Started by arlo, June 09, 2018, 02:23:58 AM

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I'm just a couple days away from the next major app version. The biggest features are:

- A new function to send lyrics, chords and other details for all the songs in a set list or smart list as a PDF file. You can use this to send your songs to a part-time player, or print a book to use as a hard-copy backup.

- Buttons to edit a layout, or jump directly between recently viewed set lists and smart lists, without leaving the set list view.

- Options for randomizing a set list or selecting random songs.

- Set lists are organized by year and you can give set lists a color for quick organization.

- Options to skip forward and back in recordings or fade out recordings.

- Support for Standard MIDI Files, either to play music (iOS or Android) or send MIDI data sequences (iOS only).

- A new "Added Only" access setting that allows users to add data and enter the data they've added, but not edit data someone else has added. This setting also allows them to add their own documents to a song or update their own custom fields, but not edit the rest of the song data.

There's also a ton of smaller additions and bug fixes. I'll post the release notes when the update is available, and will send out personal notifications of any updates that were requested by users.

As always, I recommend turning off app auto-updating and checking here for issues before updating a device that you rely on for gigs.


Sounds like a very big update. It's always exciting to see what you've come up with.

I reported an issue some time back where trying to run a video as a document required starting the attached song twice before the video would run. You suggested this would be fixed in the next major update. I have my fingers crossed that it has been fixed in this update.


Sounds great Arlo, thanks.  Re-upped for another year recently, really appreciate your app.  And thanks for set list update - is a little confusing when you have a year in gigs booked, to find next weeks set list.  Meant to suggest a line demarcating past events but color will work fine too.


Hi Arlo,

When do you expect the update to be finished?  Currently, both the web & iOs versions are behaving badly.  I did not look at the forum prior to agreeing to an important upcoming gig and I'm stressing a bit.

Thanks for a great app.


The website is updated now, and the new apps should be available for download shortly (it takes an hour or two for updates to process through the app stores). Here are the release notes:


I'll be sending personal notifications and updating the tutorials in the next day or two. I'll also post any new issues here, so watch this space if you're concerned about updating.


- The new Share Set List and Share Songs buttons aren't clickable in the Android app. FIXED in version 2.3.1

- Lyrics sometimes display with the wrong font in the iOS app. FIXED in version 3.3.1

- The "Display Screen from" and "Follow Remote Control Events from" buttons in the Device Linking Status window on Android don't do anything. Workaround: use the same buttons on the Settings > Device Linking page. FIXED in version 2.3.2

- The app doesn't auto-rotate on Android versions 4.2 and older. Workaround: rotate your device to portrait, then turn on the orientation lock setting, then open BandHelper. FIXED in version 2.3.2


bandhelper song still will not load from website


Great work, Arlo.

This version is very clean. And thank you for all of your work. I use this app as the center of my gigs. What I would have to do without.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


It makes me very confident in my choice of BandHelper when I see such active involvement by Arlo. I use it professionally several times per week and have built my whole stage operation around it. I'm always impressed by Arlo's attention to us users. Tip-o-the-hat to you, Arlo.

That's why I was so disappointed to see that one of my main features was DOWNGRADED and diminished.

I organize my songs in SmartLists and use the drop-down menu to switch between SmartLists during a song. (I play the sound file and sing and play over it in a performance). I create each show "on the fly" and decide my next song while playing a song.

I can no longer switch between my many SmartLists while playing--not without stopping the playback of the current song. I must finish the song and then back-button my way back to the SmartLists page. I must do this while trying to think of something clever to say to cover my back searching. It's very awkward.

Why not sort the list so that the most recent SmartLists are listed FIRST on the dropdown menu--this will give others the ease that this new "feature" seeks to deliver but without taking away the previous ability to easily chose amongst all my SmartLists?


How many smart lists are you using? The shortcut menu will show the five most recently viewed smart lists currently.