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Band helper thinks no songs performed

Started by wakevortex, September 14, 2018, 11:57:11 PM

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Hi Arlo
If I look at a smart list of songs by frequency or last performed NO songs list as performed (they never have). despite that clearly not being the case...same with reports...they come up with nothing....
Why could that be?  It's IOS 11 by the way

Bill P


The date and frequency performed is determined by the dates of your set lists. It looks like none of your set lists are dated. In a Basic account, you'd have to enter a date for the date list. In a Pro account, you'd have to select an event for the set list.


Interesting....I dont use that feature of  scheduling events...I have a few set lists I use regularly and have no need to attach them to events....
Is there a way you can amend the feature to actually track songs rather than ones tied to events only?

Cheers Arlo

Bill P


Unless you add the dates you're using these set lists, there's no way BandHelper would know when you're performing the songs.
