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Apple Watch layout

Started by Chris, March 20, 2019, 06:11:15 PM

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I am basically planning the same setup as explained in this thread:,1890.msg7648.html#msg7648

I therefore created a layout for the Apple Watch today which left me wondering though:

I added buttons for showing the attached document, the previous and the next song which was also showing correctly in Bandhelper.
On my Apple Watch 3 (Cellular) though, the metronome button was also showing. Is this a standard behavior or am I missing something?

Thanks, Chris


I'm not sure what you're asking. Is the tempo button showing on the watch, and you don't want it to be?


Hi arlo,
correct, yes.
I understand the layout creation the way that the watch should only show what I chose it to show.
Still, I see the tempo button on the watch while the app shows a blank space.



The watch layout has space for four buttons, and it doesn't have a way to remove a button to leave an empty space. So you could replace the Tempo button with something else, or just leave it there and ignore it. Does that answer your question?


Hi arlo,

appreciated but why does the tempo button not show in the layout in BandHelper then?
If I had added it before, I would understand but in the app, the space is showing blank.

Please excuse if I am simply not getting the point here...


If the tempo button isn't in the app layout, either you're using a layout that never had it, or your layout had it and you removed it.

Can you explain what you have currently and what you want instead? Then I can tell you how to get from here to there.


A simple "reset" deleting all added buttons in the layout would probably be sufficient in the first place :)



You can select everything in the layout by dragging an area, then clicking the X button. Or you can delete layout itself and start over with a new one.


Hi arlo,

working for any layout of a setlist but not for the Apple Watch-one. I cannot drag any icon nor do I find a way to delete the watch-layout created...



The watch layout just has four predefined spots to put buttons or fields into, and doesn't have a way to clear an area to leave an empty space. So you could replace the Tempo button with something else, or just leave it there and ignore it.

Also, the watch doesn't support multiple layouts, just the one layout that you configure from the iOS app.


Pity but understood.